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- U.S. Ambassador to China (2017-2020)
- Longest serving governor in U.S. history
- During his tenure, Ambassador Branstad’s two greatest achievements were the signing of the historic Phase One Trade Agreement between the U.S. and China in January of 2020 and successfully lobbying the Chinese government to stem the flow of fentanyl into America

- Founder & CEO of Peridona Weddings
- An expert in event planning A-Z, lifestyle, etiquette, household management and training, gift giving-selection and wrapping, and how to be a great hostess and a great guest
- Former Social Secretary for Vice President of the United States, The White House

- Founder of Bearapy
- Leadership Consultant at INSEAD Global Leadership Center (executive education).
- Speaker for Gen Y / Millenial women personal and professional development.
- Widely published author on topics of mental & emotional well-being, self awareness,
creativity, and women issues. - Avid writer on

- Founder of The Horan Group
- Expert in cross cultural and women leaders
- Author of I Wish I’d Known That Earlier in My Career: The Power of Positive Workplace Politics and How Asian Women Lead: Lessons for Global Corporations

- Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s top advisor on China.
- Designed and managed the U.S.- China Strategic Economic Dialogue, highest level dialogue between the two countries governments.
- Architect of the U.S-China Ten Year Cooperative Framework on Energy and the Environment, which continues to serve as the foundation of the bilateral relationship on energy and environmental issues. Launched the EcoPartnership dialogue.
- A leading advisor to international companies and governments looking to engage in China.
- Founder and CEO, The Green Trust, a platform for innovation in environmental and clean energy technologies.

- President and Chief Executive Officer of Barbara Franklin Enterprises
- An expert in corporate governance, auditing, and financial reporting practices
- The 29th U.S. Secretary of Commerce for President George H.W. Bush

- Certified Health Coach and Founder of Well Being Nourish
- An expert in Healthy Lifestyle, Lifestyle Improvements, Detox, Energy Breakdown, Dietary Counseling
- Member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)

Aliza KNOX was named the IT Woman of the Year (Asia) in 2020, in the top 100 Women in Tech 2021 (Singapore), the AWA Singapore International Business Woman of the Year in 2015, elected to Chief Executive Women (Australia) in … Continued

- Co-Founder and CEO of ADDO AI
- Futurist and Artificial Intelligence Expert
- Philanthropist
- Chairman of 21C GIRLS, a charity that delivers free coding classes to girls in Singapore
- Co-Author of Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization
- Served on the Singapore Ministry of Education’s ASPIRE Steering Committee that developed a blueprint for transforming the national higher education system towards innovative industries
- An education, technology, and urbanization expert
- Co-Founder of the Hybrid Reality Institute, a research and advisory group established to analyze emerging technologies and their social, economic and political implications

- Chancellor’s Professor of Africana Studies and the Director of the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity in America at Brown University
- Professor Rose sits on the Boards of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, Color of Change and Black Girls Rock, Inc.
- An internationally respected scholar of post civil rights era black U.S. culture, popular music, social issues, gender and sexuality
- Author of the book Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America which is considered foundational text for the study of hip hop, one that has defined what is now an entire field of study
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